At Resurrection Church we are a Spirit filled, Spirit led, Gospel centered church.
Our worship experience is welcoming and contemporary. We do modern worship but you will hear a hymn now and then as we seek to honor our musical heritage as a church.
We are a church family that comes from diverse backgrounds and from many denominations. Our dress is casual and service usually lasts around and hour and twenty minutes.
Our service begins at 10:30 am with a time of praise and worship for the whole family. Kids are dismissed to Kids Church and Nursery before the sermon.
Every week Pastor Jeremy brings a life giving, hope filled message of the gospel of Jesus Christ and how a real experience of the grace of God will change your life for the better.
After Family Worship we dismiss little ones for Res Church Kids where they can hear the gospel and experience Jesus on their level. We currently offer nursery for ages 0-4 and kids church from ages 5-11.
It's a fun, safe environment where your kids can find hope and discover their purpose. They learn that they are loved and they matter to God and to the church!
Want to save some time on Sunday? You can check you child in for Kids Min or Nursery before you come! Just click the button below to plan your visit.
Jeremy and Catherine Teague became pastors of Resurrection in the spring of 2020. Their dream is to see God raise up a multi-cultural, multi-generational, gospel-centered community that will impact the world and influence generations.
God has led Jeremy and Catherine on a unique path in ministry serving churches of various sizes and denominations for more than 20 years before coming to Corsicana. Jeremy and Catherine met while he was serving at her family’s home church in Southeast Texas, they were married in 2001 and have one son,
Jackson Alden.
Jeremy graduated with honors from Southwestern Assemblies of God University with a Bachelors in Pastoral Ministry. He went on to earn a Master's degree from Truett Theological Seminary at Baylor University.